Working Hours
Monday – Friday
Public Holidays

After Hours Care
When our practice is closed please contact Bridgetown Hospital on (08) 9782 1222, or DoctorDoctor on 13 26 60. DoctorDoctor is a service that is available from 6pm-8am weekdays, from 12 noon Saturdays, and all day Sundays and public holidays. This is a government initiative, therefore it is bulk billed.

About Us
About Us
In addition to doctor’s consultation rooms, this purpose-built medical centre houses Pathology, Psychology, Audiology and Physiotherapy, and is colocated with the Pharmacy on Hampton street, Bridgetown.
In addition to doctor’s consultation rooms, this purpose-built medical centre houses Pathology, Psychology, Audiology and Physiotherapy, and is colocated with the Pharmacy on Hampton street, Bridgetown.